March 27, 2023
Yun Huang’s paper is accepted in JACS! In the paper, Yun describes the development of an ultra-sensitive 19F NMR probe to detect multiple conformations of a transporter. He shows a direct correlation between the state populations measured by NMR and deduced from particle sorting in cryo-EM images. Finally, he shows that the transposer undergoes steep population changes with increasing temperatures, observable by NMR and cryo-EM.
March, 2023
Thank you, Changhao He for the beautiful flower representation of the trimeric glutamate transporter, with two transport domains in the outward-facing state and one in the inward-facing state. Good luck with your postdoc at UCSF!
February 20, 2023
Krishna Reddy received Cranefield Postdoctoral Fellow Award for an outstanding paper published in JGP in 2022. Congratulations!!